KISS Shows Proof of ‘Monster’ Book’s Size
The group revealed the first “finished proof” of the massive page-turner on their Facebook page. Bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons stated, “It’s fantastic,’ while his longtime cohort Paul Stanley added, “This book is way beyond my expectations. The photos are incredible at this size. It’s not a coffee table book, it’s a coffee table.”
The KISS ‘Monster’ book will be a retrospective look at not only the current album, but all of the different eras of the band’s history, and will showcase how their makeup has evolved from the early years to present day.
Guitarist Tommy Thayer says, “We selected photos that captured the absolute essence of being in and around a Kiss concert. Ten different editions will be dedicated personally to the KISS Army of the biggest countries we’ve toured throughout the world. Each edition will feature a different cover featuring the flag of the nation and inside each book there will be a personally signed, dated and numbered dedication from the band.”
The book is currently being custom printed by EBS Editoriale Bortolazzi Stei in Italy, with each individual copy being handmade with no machined involved in the finishing or binding of the book. Keep an eye out for the official debut of the KISS ‘Monster’ book, coming in July.
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