Which Comic Book Character Would KISS' Gene Simmons Write A Song For?
But, what if the roles were reversed and Kiss hosted a special comics collaboration? Which superhero or supervillain would the team sing about? During a special roundtable discussion at San Diego Comic-Con, Kiss’ Gene Simmons answered just that:
“Dr. Doom,” Simmons told ComicBook.com
Doom is certainly one of Marvel’s most nuanced villains, but what makes him worthy of a power ballad from of history’s top rockers?
“When a character is so defined, and when you understand his pathos—in other words—what makes this bad guy more than just a one-dimensional character?, you understand what makes him unique. When you saw King Kong, you understood that he cared for that girl he scooped up. He loved her. He would die for her. That’s what made King Kong unique. And what makes Dr. Doom unique,” Simmons elaborated. “He’s damaged goods. This guy’s face is damaged and scarred. So, he’s not fighting the world. He’s fighting himself. I could have written “Unholy” (a 1992 KISS song) about him.”
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