Paul Stanley of KISS Babysat My Daughter Yesterday
It’s happened to everyone – well at least everyone who is a parent with two X chromosomes. At some point, despite your best efforts, your childcare will fail you. And when it happens, it won’t be a low-key day at the office. It will be the day of a big presentation, the morning of an important hearing.
Or in my case, the day I was supposed to interview KISS.
I’d been trying for days to find someone to watch my three-year-old while I met with rock and roll royalty at the newest outpost of their restaurant chain, Rock & Brews, but no one was available. On the morning of the event, my one last hail Mary option dropped the pass.
There wasn't really a choice. Sure, I could cancel my interview because I'm a mom, but who was I kidding? I'd have to bring her. It's the one thing I have down after three years of this stuff: When in doubt, just push through.
Yet I was cringing all the way. "Uh, that's fine," the 20-ish woman working the door said with a condescending half-laugh, half-sigh when I explained my situation. "I mean, it's fine for this, but we don't really allow kids at the actual events." The event in this case was a luncheon for local veterans and active duty members of the military, celebrating the grand opening of Rocks & Brews' two-month-old Chesterfield location. So, no lunch, but I could still do the media interviews ahead of time. Fine.
I sat my daughter down beside me and was unpacking my notes when a shadow fell across the table. There was Gene Simmons, towering above me. "Uh, Mr. Simmons," I stammered. I'm so sorry. I couldn't find a babysitter..."
He cut me off.
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